Buying Power

Millenium makes it exceptionally easy for agencies to procure hardware and software solutions, through GSA Advantage! contracts.

GSA Schedule Contracts

Exclusive GSA Advantage! member pricing.


GSA Schedule Details

GSA Schedule Eligibility & Procedures

Millenium Products has been a GSA MAS (Multiple Award Schedule) Contractor for over 15 years. During that time, we have assisted not only federal agencies in procuring needed equipment and services but numerous state and local agencies as well. GSA schedules provide state and local agencies with simplified procedures to increase acquisition speed and pre-negotiated prices to attain the best value and access to emerging technologies and innovative solutions.

As a GSA contract holder, Millenium Products has been pre-vetted as a reliable and committed suppliers for all levels of government and government agencies.

Cooperative Purchasing Program

The Cooperative Purchasing Program extends access to contracts and contracts pricing for IT, security, and law enforcement products, services, and solutions to state, local, and tribal governments as well as educational institutions.

Accessing GSA Multiple Award Schedule allows state and local governments to conduct market research and find qualified sources quickly and easily through published contracts and pricing on GSA Advantage! Often, a minimum of 3 contractors can be reviewed through this means.

Disaster Purchasing Program

The Disaster Purchasing Program extends access to all MAS products and services when buying in support of disaster preparation, response, and major disaster recovery, as well as recovery from biological, radiological, or terrorist attacks.

GSA recommends buying entities follow federal Schedule ordering procedures. State and Local buyers should defer to their state’s regulations and procedures. Grant agencies may also outline required procedures.

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